Women’s Issues

“A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

And there are all kinds of “hot water” that we can get into….

How did I end up married to a jerk?

Everything seemed fine.

What is wrong with me that I didn’t know?

I must be so gullible. I feel so stupid. Our friends won’t believe this – we always looked happy. They think he’s a nice guy.

What happened? Why don’t I matter to him anymore? Doesn’t he care?

It’s like someone flipped a switch. I don’t know who he is any more. I feel like I’m going crazy. One minute he’s ignoring me and staying out all night; the next he’s raging; and the next he’s Mr. Charming.

And what about the kids? They need their Dad…I think.

I don’t trust myself to make a decision. I don’t even know who I am or what I want?

I have no idea what to do.

Struggling with the Changes of Aging?

My jeans don’t fit, and I’m so not ready for those elastic waistbands!

Where is my body? Who took it? Where can I find them because I want it back?

I used to have a fairly positive attitude, or at least I was steady with my moods. Now I can change from “I’m so happy” to “Life really stinks” faster than you can say mood swing!

I’m feeling downright tropical. This is why sweaters are no longer in my closet.

Sex is nonexistent. My libido has apparently gone on vacation…

Sleep? What is that?

Where are my glasses? Now what was I doing?

Ugh…did I mention the memory loss?

Am I going crazy?

Menopause can certainly make you feel that way.

Feeling Uncertain About Your Relationship?

I checked my phone, 20 times, in the last two minutes. Did I miss the notification?

I wonder why he hasn’t responded to my text message. I know we just started seeing each other. I think he really likes me. I know I really like him.

Am I texting him too much? We’ve texted every day since meeting. He wanted to “go slow.” But, today the texts seem a little slower.

Why do I always find myself in these kinds of situations? Should I text him again?

Maybe it didn’t go through. But what if it did, then I’m just being a pain?

It’s happening again. Maybe I’m just not cut out for a relationship.

I have no clue what I’m doing!

Let’s face it, sometimes, it takes a woman to truly understand.

“There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise.” – Author Unknown

As women, not only do we experience life’s struggles through our own unique lens, the truth is we have our own set of issues.

Maybe you don’t feel all that determined right now. That’s okay.

We can help you find the determination.
Let’s talk!